What does "On-Ground Intervention" include?

The rural economy, as much as urban economy, is an integrated part of the overall Indian economy. Any talk of overall development without rural development, particularly in a country where three-quarters of people below the poverty line reside in rural areas, is flawed. Close to 70% of India still resides in rural and semi urban areas. It is in rural India that a vast potential of talent and untapped creative and intellectual energy lies.

If this group of people is not empowered, the nation as a whole cannot flourish and develop. With the focus of developing this human force, we decided to focus on three aspect of this force. First is the agricultural practices to improve production, second is better education which builds character and competence and the third is the overall health of people which includes mental and physical dimensions.

Since farmers depend on agriculture for their livelihood, the PROW team works to help them identify and utilize sustainable agriculture practices to meet the increasing demand for food. Farmers learn about improved farming methods, integrated nutrient management practices to sustain soil fertility, and how to use water efficiently for irrigation.

Farmers Club Formation & Development

The objective of the programme is “Development through credit, technology transfer, awareness and capacity building”. The emphasis of the programme is on increasing the income of the farmers by increasing the production & productivity by adopting appropriate technology, good agricultural practices, and proper use of credit and marketing skills.

Activities done under the programme:

  • Formation of Farmers club
  • Base Level Orientation Training
  • Bank Linkage
  • Meet with Experts

SHG Formation & Development

The main objective of this programme is to bring the beneficiaries above the poverty line by providing income generating assets to them through bank credit and government subsidy. The Self-Help Groups (SHPs) are the major component of this scheme.

Activities done under the programme:

  • Formation of SHGs
  • Bank Linkage
  • Training (capacity building/entrepreneurship)

Rural Library Formation & Development

Rapid urbanisation is causing problems for the rural poor and their children in India, who live without civic amenities like power (electricity) and sometimes water. For their social and agricultural development, the best answer is improved education, through reading materials like books and periodicals including text books. To support the villages, PROW is establishing libraries in the villages.

Activities done under the programme:

  • Formation of Rural Library
  • Providing free education through library

Sanitation Programme

Swachhta Abhiyan has turned into a National Movement. A sense of responsibility has been evoked among the people through the Clean India Movement. With citizens now becoming active participants in cleanliness activities across the nation, the dream of a ‘Clean India’ once seen by Mahatma Gandhi has begun to get a shape.

Activities done under the programme:

  • Sanitation Campaign-IEC Activities
  • Low cost household toilet construction

Health Awareness Campaign

Towards creating a healthier society by popularizing preventive measures, PROW organizes awareness programs on various issues of health and hygiene. For this purpose, PROW makes use of visual media which communities are familiar with … like street plays, puppet shows etc. Another strategy employed is involving children and youth in awareness programs like rallies, debates etc. because, children are the best messengers to carry the message to their parents, family and other community members. Health-weeks and health camps are also generally organized in villages for different age groups.

Activities done under the programme:

  • AIIDS Awareness camp in rural area
  • TV Awareness camp in rural area

Skill Development & Training

PROW provides vocational training for low-literate poor girls and boys to make them financially independent while providing for a choice of lifestyles. PROW offers courses in computer training, beauty culture, cutting, sewing and tailoring, and English. Girls who want more flexibility can become freelance beauticians or open an in-home tailoring service.

Vocational Training is thus a powerful tool. By making the destitute financially independent, it breaks the cycle of poverty, breeds confidence, self-respect and turns marginalized youth into responsible citizens of society.

Non-Formal Education

At PROW Centre, PROW utilises its "joyful learning" model to help students catch-up on the school work they missed and also learn life skills. Lessons are taught through games, songs, role play etc. This not only equips drop-outs with the necessary subject skills but also develops social skills and motivates them to rejoin formal schooling as they realize learning can be fun.

PROW does not intend to create a parallel education system so the aim is to prepare students to be mainstreamed into formal schooling in one year.

How can you help
Education is a child's right and need, mainstreaming marginalized street children and giving them the confidence and ability to chart their own destiny. If you wish to help, you can -

  • Donate to PROW and if you want, specify that the donation go towards an existing PROW Centre-Non-formal education centre
  • Sponsor a new PROW Centre which can be named after you, your foundation or anyone else you wish to dedicate it to.

Environment Development & Conservation

Now and then we are always blaming the government for all that is going wrong around us. And when it comes to something as crucial as environment conservation then we are all there to blame all the policies that it has implemented regarding the safeguard of the environment without actually following them wisely.

While approaching the environmental problems one fact has come up to the surface which is serving as an eternal fact – all the humanity must act in unity.

Any individual effort is undoubtedly significant, BUT a united effort works more effectively and judiciously for sure.

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